Jul 3, 2016

Meet Kat - Our Secretary

Kat Sloane - Secretary

How long have you been a Toy Library member?

We joined the Toy Library in January - when our son Henry was 8 months old. I liked the idea of being able to provide him with a range of different toys to stimulate his interest - he was already showing less interest in some of those we had at home! Henry now plays almost exclusively with his Toy Library toys, for the first couple of weeks that we have them at home and they are the first ones he looks for in the morning.

What does your role involve?

I took on the role of secretary following the March 2015 AGM. I have really enjoyed the role so far. I monitor the Toy Library's emails and send out the newsletters (you have probably already heard from me!) as well as providing the admin support to the committee. We moved to Australia from the UK in 2014 and being involved in the Toy Library has been a great way to meet some additional people in the area.

Do you have a favourite toy/type of toy?

Henry is particularly keen to have toys that he can stand up to play with at the moment - these are generally plastic and large, so I have really appreciated being able to get these from the Toy Library (and return them a few weeks later, as we live in an apartment with not much space!)