Our toy library exists through the work of our volunteers. Without you, we simply couldn’t operate. We don’t ask for much – just five hours of volunteering duty a year. It could be two Saturday mornings, or two Wednesday nights. It could be a few hours manning a Bunnings BBQ, or even offering to do some toy maintenance or other work from home.
We know you’re at the toy library because you have a family – so feel free to volunteer your family! Duty can be performed by Mum, Dad, grandparents, aunts or uncles – we’ll take anyone!
What is duty?
You can perform your five hours’ duty by helping out during our opening hours, or volunteering for special events (eg Bunnings BBQs, our annual open day or Party in the Park). Opening hours are when we REALLY need volunteers to make sure borrowing/returning runs smoothly. It’s easy to do, a great way to meet other families and we’ll help you every step of the way.
Step 1
Sign up! Filling our duty roster means we can open with confidence, enable borrowing/returning in a speedy manner (no one likes a queue) and keep our members happy.
Step 2
Turn up! If you don’t show up for your agreed-upon duty hours – or let us down at short notice – we get very sad ☹
Step 3
You’re here – hooray! Now put on your volunteer badge and listen as our lovely toy coordinator Eleanor gives you simple instructions on how to check off returned toys and enter them in our computer system, or help in some other easy way.
Step 4
Time flies – the session is already over! What a breeze.
Why do duty
Need any more persuading? Here are some more reasons to sign up today to do your duty!
You love the toy library. It makes your kids happy. So help keep us going!
We’re flexible and easy-going – remember we’re parents too! You can do a duty session with bub in the carrier/pram, or talk to us for more options if leaving the house for a few hours is seriously impossible.
Get to know the people in your neighborhood. Honestly, it’s amazing who you’ll bump into – families you know from daycare, school, the playground – and a great way to meet other local families.
Get the best toys! Our volunteers get first pick of the toys as they’re returned plus a bonus toy as a little thank-you.
That warm and fuzzy feeling from helping your community ♥
It’s a great way to get out of the house for a few hours 😉
Feeling extra keen and want to do more? Consider joining our committee! We can always use the help. Find out more here.
