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Meet Steph - Our Duty Roster Coordinator

How long have you been a TL member? About 2.5 years.

Why did you join? We used the toy library in our previous neighbourhood and loved it. When we moved to the area, we were thrilled to find the CTL! What do you like about the Toy Library? We love being able to try out different toys and challenge the kids while limiting the amount of toys accumulated at home. What is your committee role and what does it involve? I'm the Duty Roster Coordinator which involves monitoring the roster to make sure we have enough members signed up for duty to support the open sessions to run smoothly. If we have lots of gaps, I help to find members to fill them.

Do you have a favourite toy/type of toy?

I love the party packs and the active outdoor toys such as the scooters and ride on cars. Any tips for new members? The more you put in, the more you get out of it. Turn over toys regularly and do your duty as it's an awesome way of seeing what toys are on offer!


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