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Great news – from Saturday October 30th, we can welcome you back inside the toy library! 

Government regulations state that members attending must wear a mask and show proof of vaccination status upon entry. 


A maximum of 10 members will be allowed inside the building for borrowing and returns. Social distancing must be observed, so if we are at capacity inside the library please wait patiently outside on the social distancing markings for your turn to enter. Please complete your borrowing as quickly as you can if there are people outside waiting. If you’re unwell, please stay home and return in good health.

As previously indicated, our loan periods will soon be returning to normal – all overdue toys must be returned. So please come and see us or get in touch.

Member duty

We will reinstate our member duty roster to help keep the toy library running smoothly. Remember that doing duty is part of your membership – please log into your account and put your name down as soon as you are able to help out.


Our open hours

We will be returning to our previous hours for a ‘new normal’ borrowing experience. 

  • Wednesday - 7pm to 9pm

  • Thursday - 10am to 12pm

  • Saturday - 10am to 12.30pm

Please follow the below guidelines

You must clean your toys...

Clean your toys


All members are required to thoroughly clean their toys with a detergent.  Do not submerge toys in water.


Paper-based materials, such as puzzles & games do not need additional cleaning or disinfection procedures.


Check In
On arrival at the toy library members will be required to wear a mask and check in using our QR code signage. 

Government regulations state that members attending must be fully vaccinated.


Cleaning station


If you haven't cleaned your toys you will be required to clean your toys at the cleaning station provided at the toy library.


When you arrive at the toy library



Check in


On arrival please check in using the

QR code provided.

Social distancing must be observed, so if we are at capacity inside the library please wait patiently for your turn to enter.



Return & count toys


Empty your toys into the tub provided & count your toys back into your bag/tub.



Borrow your toys


Return your toys back to the shelves at the Toy Library, and grab yourself some new ones..

Here's what we're doing to keep everyone

healthy & safe while borrowing:


A maximum of 10 members will be allowed inside the toy library. Children are included in our headcount, so please leave them at home if possible.


Hand sanitiser will be provided at the returns desk and must be used by all members before entering.


Increased cleaning in high touch areas and the returns desk wiped down after each member..


Members will be required to sign a log sheet confirming their returned toys have been thoroughly cleaned.


Social distancing signage displayed to comply with social distancing measures. 


We won't be accepting cash payments during this time. If you have any fines that exceed $20 these can be paid via bank transfer - see FAQs for details.

We also ask that you follow the below safety guidelines


Please do not visit the toy library if any member of your household have returned from overseas or have been in contact with someone with coronavirus within the past 14 days, even if everyone appears well.


If someone in the household has been unwell in any way during the loan period, please disinfect the toys. Do not leave toys to soak in disinfectant as they may lose their colour.

We’re so excited to be back sharing our wonderful toy collection, and appreciate your patience and cooperation as we return to a 'new normal' borrowing experience. 

Right now play is just as or MORE important than ever for our kids. SO LET’S GET PLAYING!

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