Member Duty
The Toy library can only run with the support of member volunteers.
Our toy library exists through the work of our member volunteers. Without you, we simply couldn’t operate. Simply attend and assist at 2 open sessions each year. That's all it takes!
We know you’re at the toy library because you have a family – so if you are limited with time, feel free to volunteer your friends or extended family.
You can sign up for roster duty by logging into your account.
Alternatively, if you are unable to do your duty you can pay $100 instead of $50 and we will waive your duty.

If you have attended two open sessions during the year your $50 duty levy will be refunded in full or rolled over should you wish to renew your membership. Please note that failing to turn up on your rostered day will result in $25 being deducted from your duty levy for the open session.
If you're unable to complete your duty please email us at