Terms & Conditions
Our Toy Collection
The toy library caters for children aged 6 months to early primary age. There are approximately 2,500 toys in our catalogue in a range of categories. The types of toys available include cars, kitchens, workbenches, construction, musical instruments, sand & water, trikes, balance bikes, scooters, imaginative play, train sets, costumes, board games, puzzles, balls, baby toys and more.
Membership Fees
The annual cost for a membership is outlined below. The toy library accepts cash, bank transfer, PayPal and Square payments. Fees apply to Square and PayPal payments.
Bronze (3 toys & 1 puzzle/game)
$90.00 plus $50 refundable duty bond which includes 5 hours duty (see Rostered Duty) or $190 NO duty hours
Silver (6 toys & 2 puzzles/games)
$120.00 plus 50 refundable duty bond which includes 5 hours duty (see Rostered Duty) or $220 NO duty hours.
Gold (9 toys & 3 puzzles/games)
$140.00 plus $50 refundable duty bond which includes 5 hours duty (see Rostered Duty) or $240.00 NO duty hours
Short-term 6 month membership (3 toys & 1 puzzle/game)
$70 + $25 refundable duty bond with includes 2.5 hours duty (see Rostered Duty) or $120 NO duty hours.
Grandparent membership (3 toys & 1 puzzle/game)
$40 (8 borrows per year, no duty requirement)
For families holding a Healthcare card, a discount of $25.00 is provided (excluding Short-term memberships).
Borrowing Entitlements
Members are entitled to borrow items according to their membership level:
Bronze/Short term: 3 toys + 1 additional game or puzzle for 3 weeks, one renewal per item
Silver: 6 toys + 2 additional games or puzzles for 3 weeks, one renewal per item
Gold: 9 toys + 3 additional games or puzzles for 4 weeks, one renewal per item
Grandparent 3 toys + 1 puzzle or game, 8 borrows per year
Please note:
Toys can only be renewed once with the exception of those marked with a gold star or texta.
Members are required to check they have all the pieces and/or accessories within 24 hours of borrowing and notify the library regarding any missing pieces via email. If toys are returned late, overdue fees will be charged to members (refer to overdue toys section).
All toys should be returned in the same condition that they are borrowed, so please take care.
Members must ensure all toys are returned clean by wiping each part before replacing them in their plastic bag/tub. Toys must not be fully immersed in water, as this can cause stickers to come off and/or cause some parts to rust. A toy cleaning guide can be found on the Carnegie Toy Library website.
Rostered Duty - Open session are run each Wednesday evening, Friday morning and Saturday
Each member is required to complete 2 open session duties (1 session for Short-term 6 month membership) unless you have paid additional for no duty hours. We do, however, encourage members (or family & friends of members) to sign up for duty as we rely on this to keep us running smoothly. Members can sign up online for duty via their online account. Members will receive an email reminder prior to their upcoming duty.
A $50 refundable duty levy is payable at the commencement of each membership. The levy will either be rolled over or refunded at the end of the membership year, provided all hours of duty have been completed, by submitting and completing the exit survey on the Carnegie Toy Library website.
Any duty levy not claimed through the exit survey within 28 days of a membership ending will be donated to Carnegie Toy Library.
If you cannot attend the rostered duty you have signed up for, please try to find someone else to take your place. Any sibling, family member or friend can do your rostered duty for you. If you cannot find anyone to replace you, please email the toy library ASAP. A minimum of 48 hours’ notice for any roster change is required to ensure a replacement can be found.
Any Member who does not attend their rostered duty without notifying the toy library will be fined $25.
Emergency Duty
The toy library requires members who are able to participate in rostered duty at short notice. If you are willing to do this, you are not required to put your name down on the duty roster at the toy library. We will contact you if / when you are required. If you think that this would suit you, please contact us so we can record this against your membership details on our computer system. If you are a new member or are renewing your membership, you can indicate your interest by emailing us. If there is a particular session that you would prefer, or alternatively any that are not suitable for you, please let us know. For more information on emergency duty, please speak to the Session Coordinator, or contact us by email.
Missing Toy Pieces
All toy pieces must be checked and counted by the Member prior to play. The Member must notify the toy library immediately via email of any missing pieces. Upon returning the toy, any missing pieces will be the member’s responsibility. Every effort should be made to return all pieces of a toy.
The toy library may accept toys with missing pieces to be returned, provided playability of the toy is not affected.
$2 per missing piece
$10 per missing battery cover
Plastic Bags - $5 / Plastic Tubs - up to $20 (depending on size)
Replacement cost or item of same brand/value for missing puzzle piece
Members will be given 3 weeks to find any missing pieces and return them to the toy library.
If the pieces of or a whole toy cannot be found, or the member knows it has been lost forever, the Committee will decide on an appropriate fine.
Members must not substitute parts to any toys without the Coordinator’s consent.
Missing Puzzle Pieces
A puzzle isn’t as fun with missing pieces. Missing Pieces means we have to remove the puzzle from our collection. By becoming a member you agree to the following:
(a) I will check within 24 hours that my borrowed puzzle has the correct number of pieces. If any pieces are missing, I will email the toy library straight away.
(b) If a piece goes missing during play, I agree to renew the puzzle so I can keep searching for it (it will turn up!)
(c) If I still can’t find it, I agree to pay for the toy library to replace the puzzle, or I will replace it myself with a puzzle of the same brand/value.
(d) I agree to replace the puzzle (or pay for its replacement) before borrowing any more toys.
Damaged Toys
The toy library understands that toys are sometimes broken or damaged during the normal course of play. Members must not attempt to repair damaged toys, as this can lead to further damage.
The Member must notify the toy library immediately via email of any damaged or broken toy, or a toy showing signs of wear and tear.
If a toy is damaged beyond repair, the Committee will decide whether a fine will be charged to the Member who damaged the borrowed toy, up to the value of replacement.
All toys must be returned with the plastic bag/tub they were borrowed with. The following fines may be charged if they are missing or damaged: plastic bags - up to $5.00; and plastic tubs - up to $20.00 (depending on size).
Overdue Toy Fees
Toys are considered overdue if they are returned after the borrowing period without having been renewed prior to their due date.
Toys can be borrowed for up to 3 weeks (4 weeks for Gold memberships), after which they must be returned.
Toys can be renewed once before their due date unless the toy is categorised as ‘Gold Star’.
An automated email ‘your toys are due soon’ reminder will be sent to members who have toys that are due soon, and also a ‘your toys are now overdue’ email for any overdue items.
If a Member has special circumstances as to why toys cannot be returned on time, they must email the toy library before the toys become overdue. A one-week extension may be granted, and possibly more, depending on the circumstances.
If a toy is returned late, an overdue fee of $1.00 per toy per week will be charged. Fees will not be charged for any Public Holidays or periods when the toy library is closed. Final fees will be checked by the Coordinator.
The overdue toy fee is capped at $100 per member per overdue occurrence.
A Member may request the Carnegie Toy Library Committee to review their case in writing if they have a particular grievance with the applicable fee.
If the overdue toy/s are not promptly returned, the Member will be charged the overdue toy cap of $100 plus the replacement cost of each toy. The Member will not be allowed to borrow any further items until this amount is paid.
Once a threshold of $10 in fees owed is reached, a member will be unable to borrow any toys until their fine balance is below $10.
If the fines are not paid promptly, the Committee has the right to terminate the Membership and use the duty levy bond to recover the fine, regardless of any duty already completed. The Committee may initiate debt recovery proceedings.
All toys available for borrowing from the Library are treated equally in regard to calculating overdue fees.
The toy library’s priority is the return of the toys for use by other members, not the money made from fines. The overdue fee structure is in place as a deterrent.
Party Pack Hire
Carnegie Toy Library offers Party Pack hire for birthdays, playgroups or special occasions, costing $80 for members/$120 for non-members.
Explorer Party Pack $80 Members/$120 Non Members
Adventure Party Pack $80 Members/$120 Non Members
Roll & Ride Party Pack $80 Members/$120 Non Members
The Floor is Lava Party Pack $80 Members/$120 Non Members
The toy library has 4 low children’s height trestle tables and 30 children’s chairs for hire.
1 table and 6 chairs $30 / $40 non-member
Additional chairs can be hired for $2 / $3 non-member per chair.
Party Packs should be booked through our online system. For cancellations within 7 days of pick-up, a 50% refund will be issued. For cancellations outside this window, a full refund will be issued.
Party Packs may be picked up on Friday 10 am – 11.30 am or Saturday 10 am – 12 pm and must be returned Wednesday 7 pm – 8.30 pm
Late return of party packs by the due date will incur a fee up to the total cost of the original hire.
Toy Library Etiquette
When you visit Carnegie Toy Library, children are welcome to help select toys, however we request that all children are closely supervised for their safety. Tubs and bags of toys are not to be opened, or the contents tipped out or played with unless a member is assessing a toy’s suitability for their child. Loose toys pose a tripping hazard and can result in missing pieces.
The toy library is not a playgroup, and toys must not be played with in or around the toy library, including ride-ons.
Large items such as prams, strollers and scooters must be stored out of the way so that movement around the toy library is unimpeded and exits remain unobstructed.
Helmet Waiver, Release and Indemnity for Bicycle and Scooters
The Carnegie Toy Library ("Provider") is pleased to make bicycles and scooters available to subscribers ("the Service").
As a subscriber to the Service you acknowledge that there are dangers and risks inherent with bicycle and scooter riding (the “Activity”) to which any child under your supervision ("Your Child") may be exposed.
The Provider does not provide protective clothing or bicycle helmets and it is your responsibility to ensure that Your Child wears a helmet at all times and is otherwise appropriately attired when participating in the Activity. You agree that Your Child will participate in the Activity at your own risk. You also agree to voluntarily assume responsibility for supervising the Activity and any injury, death or property damage you or Your Child may suffer or cause as a result of participating in the Activity.
To the maximum extent possible at law, you (both in your personal capacity and on behalf of Your Child) agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify the Provider and its respective officers, employees, servants, agents and contractors (the “Indemnified Persons”) against all actions, claims, suits, costs, expenses, demands and damages suffered or incurred by the Indemnified Persons or any one or more of them by reason of, or in respect of, or in any manner whatsoever arising out of, or caused by, your use of the Service or Your Child's participation in the Activity.
You agree that you are subscribing to the Service on the express condition that the Provider:
(a) will, under no circumstances be liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever for any death, loss, accident, damage or injury to you, Your Child or any of your servants, agents, contractors, visitors or invitees or any other person whatsoever (“Related Party”) which may happen as a result of your use of the Service or Your Child participating in the Activity; and
(b) will not incur or be under any liability whatsoever to you, Your Child, or to any Related Party for any loss, damage or injury to or in respect of any of your property or of any Related Party’s property.
The Provider is not liable to you, Your Child or any Related Party in respect of any indirect or consequential loss. For the avoidance of doubt, ‘consequential loss’ means loss or damage arising from a breach of contract, tort (including
but without limitation, loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss or denial of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss of business reputation, future reputation or publicity, damage to credit rating and indirect, remote, abnormal or unforeseeable loss, or any similar loss whether or not in the reasonable contemplation of the parties.
General Waiver
Please choose age appropriate toys. Carnegie Toy Library shall not be held liable for any injury, in any way.
Carnegie Toy Library accepts no liability as a result of a failure to comply with specific instructions, and under no circumstances will Carnegie Toy Library be held liable for any injury caused by or arising from items supplied.
Members must supervise the use of any equipment supplied.
Cancelling your Membership
A cooling off period of fourteen days applies from the date of joining. During this period you can receive a full refund of your membership and duty levy. If cancelling during the term of your membership no refund applies, however, we will allow you to transfer your membership and outstanding duty to a friend.
Suspending your membership
Carnegie Toy Library membership is a membership lasting for 6 or 12 months from the date of joining/renewing. In order to keep this structure, the library does not offer Membership suspensions / on-holds to members who may be away on holiday etc. If a member is intending to be absent for a considerable period of time within the year and would like to defer their Membership they may request in writing via email and the Committee will assess the situation prior to the member’s absence.
Termination of Membership by Carnegie Toy Library
Carnegie Toy Library reserves the right to terminate or restrict membership for non-return of toys, consistently late return of toys, unpaid fines, aggressive, abusive or inappropriate behaviour.