2022 Marks a huge milestone for Bob Blackburn, as he clocks 20 years of helping repair toys at our toy library. We are so fortunate to have Bob continuing to help out behind the scenes, and have lost count of all the toys he has saved over the 20 years!
He was awarded with a recognition award at our 2022 Annual General Meeting, and also recently at the Toy Libraries Australia 2022 awards, where he was recognised as one of the longer servicing committee members within Australia.
He was also recently featured in the local Glen Eira newspaper.
Can I fix it? Yes I can! That is the response from Bob Blackburn who has been repairing toys at Carnegie Toy Library for 20 years.
What started as a hobby following retirement has now turned into a favourite pastime for Bob.
Bob, who is also know as Mr Fix It, fixes everything form small toys to bikes and trikes. He also helps with odd jobs around the library.
If there is something that needs a special part or tool and can't be fixed at the library, bob will take it home to repair it.
"There are not many things that I can't fix," Bob said.
"I have a magnificent container of screws, nuts and bolts and I rarely have to buy anything new."

Carnegie Toy Library committee member Pia Akerman said Bob is a fantastic resource.
"He spends hours repairing toys to make sure they can stay in the collection safely and enjoy more play."
Outside of the Toy Library, Bob also helps out at his retirement village, fixing trollies and walkers for the residents.
"I also have a keen interest in ice hockey. I started playing when I was 14 and retired from the sport at age 75. I am a patron of Ice Hockey Victoria and a member of two committees."
Glen Eira News May edition 2022
