How long have you been a TL member?
I have been a member for over 4 years now (started when my little one was less than 6 months old).
Why did you join?
So many reasons - environmental reasons - do not want to buy toys (especially plastic ones that my child might not use for long), not wanting to support capitalism blindly (I am against buying and owning too many things), wanted to be part of a community that shares these values, so many fun toys options for my child who loves the toys from the toy library (as do we). We love doing puzzles together, playing board games and the toy library facilitates all of the above.
What is your committee role and what does it involve?
I am a general committee member - as I see it, I can wear multiple hats and help when and where needed. I am still very new to this role and so, I am watching and learning. I am keen to support the toy library in whatever way I can and is needed.
Do you have a favourite toy/type of toy?
Wow, this is a hard question, it changes all the time. We love doing puzzles in our house - so, I am usually after good jigsaw puzzles and love the new STEM toys. My four year old has started to play more with construction toys which are currently her favorite. Once our little one grows up a bit more, perhaps, we'll play more board games which both my husband and I enjoy.
Any tips for new members?
Come as often as you'd like to look and select new toys. You'll meet like-minded people. When you come in for your duty hours, you are likely going to make a new friend because the other person on duty is also usually a parent such as yourself. It's a great way to build a community for yourself - the village that every parent needs.